Tired of Wyatting? Drag City’s prison bitch Domino Recording Company is scheduled to release the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Comicopera – his first solo effort since 2003’s Cuckooland – as early as the 24th of next month. Regarding the weird-even-for-him title, Wyatt had this to say: “Greeks divided things into Comedy and Tragedy, and Comedy didn’t […]
Entries Tagged as 'news'
Robert Wyatt’s got (bi-lingual) jokes
August 22nd, 2007
Peter Saville designs limited edition ‘Control’ t-shirt
August 20th, 2007
Who better to design a t-shirt celebrating the release of Anton Corbijn’s Joy Division biopic, Control, than the man who designed the cover of Unknown Pleasures himself? Fashion designer Paul Smith has commissioned acclaimed graphic designer Peter Saville, who was art director and co-founder of Factory Records, to design a limited edition t-shirt for the launch of Corbijn’s […]
Tags: news
The Go! Team’s Proof of Youth out in September
August 20th, 2007
Bands rarely use up major labels and then toss them aside. It’s usually the other way around. But The Go! Team had the opportunity to exploit Sony’s massive resources without selling its soul with a one-time distribution deal that managed to sell a quarter of a million copies worldwide of its 2004 debut, Thunder, Lightning, […]
HBO renews Flight of the Conchords for a second season!
August 19th, 2007
Bret and Jermaine will be present for another season of Flight of the Conchords on HBO. Thank God. This show absolutely kills me. And, despite the fact that the humor is so dry and subtle, people must actually be watching it. Sub Pop recently released a teaser EP of the band’s off-kilter folk, The Distant […]
LCD Looks-alike-system
August 17th, 2007
Achtung, babes. All is definitely nicht gut with former Ash Ra Tempel guitarist Manuel Göttsching. After catching the .jpg-only cover of LCD Soundsystem’s sole-selling Nike commission 45:33 – which really does look a heckuva lot like the godfather of techno’s 1984 meisterwerk E2-E4 – Göttsching’s camp had this to say: “LCD Soundsystem’s James Murphy has […]
The Hives reveal album art, new single plans
August 17th, 2007
The new single from The Hives is called “Tick Tick Boom” and its out digitally September 24 and physically October 10. The new album, The Black and White Album, hits stores October 8, the artwork for which adorns this post. The band is inexplicably supporting Maroon 5 on a fall tour but has plans to […]
Robinson’s new book – fight, flight or just show your junk
August 16th, 2007
In yet more nude dude news, 220-pound Oxbow front man Eugene Robinson has finished penning his ridiculously titled idiot’s guide to extreme grappling Fight: Or, Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Ass-Kicking But Were Afraid You’d Get Your Ass Kicked For Asking. Sounds like one of those Bertrand Russell riddles. (Although I guess it’s […]