[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/RkKec9eb3CQ” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] Amy Winehouse looked like an absolute monster on Leno the other night with her hair beehived into oblivion. The missing tooth only added to her trashy vamped-up persona. She seemed sort of out of it, spacing out with a completely blank stare, occasionally throwing in some doo-wop dancing, but […]
Entries Tagged as 'news'
Amy Winehouse “Rehab” on Leno, talks collaboration with Jay-Z
April 26th, 2007
Spinal Tap to reunite for Live Earth concert
April 25th, 2007
As much of a waste of time and, well, yes, energy, as the Live Earth concerts will be, at least Spinal Tap is playing, lending the appropriate amount of satire and irony to the giant photo op. The reunited mock-metal trio will play in London’s Wembley Arena with original Spinal Tap director Rob Reiner in […]
Tags: news
Coyote Bones: free record if you bring an owl to its show; yes, an owl
April 24th, 2007
Jet By Day frontman David Matysiak has moved to Omaha, Nebraska, so, invariably, he has hooked up with that scene’s incestuous pool of talent and formed Coyote Bones. The band’s debut record is coming out on CoCo Art, an upstart art/music/film collective that Matysiak started himself. Coyote Bones’ debut, Gentleman on the Rocks, features help […]
…And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead not breaking up any time soon
April 24th, 2007
Conrad Keely has posted another lengthy screed on trailofdead.com, discussing his dramatic move from Austin to New York City and his band’s future: “Are we breaking up anytime soon? No. Sorry to disappoint you. That means, for all those people who’ve asked for our autographs, they won’t be worth anything for a long time yet, […]
The Divine Comedy’s Neil Hannon takes on London stage
April 24th, 2007
It’s not exactly surprising that Neil Hannon has been tapped to write a musical for the London stage, as his songwriting lends itself well to flowery and theatrical arrangements. NME reports that the piece for The National Theater will be an adaptation of Arthur Ransom’s 1930 novella Swallows and Amazons. Hannon just recently contributed to […]
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Gorillaz is finished making records
April 20th, 2007
Blur frontman Damon Albarn, the voice behind Gorillaz, has confirmed to BBC Radio 2 that the multi-media cartoon quartet won’t be recording any more albums: “There won’t be another pop record.” Instead, the final project for the pretend-band will be a film with Terry Gilliam rumored to direct, for which Gorillaz will write the score. […]
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Close friends urge Doherty to kick drugs
April 18th, 2007
If this guy ends up getting clean, I have no faith in drugs. He’s showing up to court appearances, reuniting with ex-bandmates, showing up to gigs, etc. Pete Doherty’s acting responsibly? Yawn. God, next thing he’ll actually marry Kate Moss and then you know finding Jesus is right around the corner.
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